Caving at Glenrock
Cathi caving at Glenrock


Check out our upcoming adventures. You will need to be a member (or trial member). Trial membership is $35.00 and allows you to participate on MSS trips for 12 months. Go to the How to Join page to find out more and email for an application form.

MSS leaders collect trip fees (either before or after the activity). Please make sure you have the money with you on the day. If you book into an activity with another club, you will be asked to pay the trip fees for that club OR MSS trip fees:


4wdCanyoning CavingSocial Kite flyingMountain biking BushwalkingAbseiling ClimbingField Days


Recurring Trips:
Dates   Grade Location Activities
Tuesday evenings Climbing Easy-Hard St Leonards Climbing anyone? Tim Grimes is restarting the MSS Indoor Climbing group (@ Artarmon/St Leonards Climbfit, 4/12 Frederick Street). Every Tuesday, starting around 6:30pm (if you plan on going, message Tim or hop onto the MSS FB page on Tuesday to post your interest for attending on that night). Wear your MSS t-shirt for club publicity. Membership of MSS is not required and no trip fees apply, however, if you're not a member of MSS, we'd love you to join! COVID regulations apply, full vaccination and mask wearing when belaying.


Dates   Grade Location Activities
29/07/2024 - 29/07/2024 Bushwalking Medium Blue Mountains Exploring to a creek near Station Rock & down to the Burra-Moko Head Sandstone layer. Experience the interesting diversity of flora and geological features in the carmarthen area. From lush basalt rainforest, to large gumtrees and small gums on the dry sandstone spur. An early start from the Bells Line of Rd. Possibly a long day, that is part off track and part exploratory to the leader. Scrambling & exposure. Fit & experienced walkers please. This is a joint MSS/UBMBC trip. Limited to 6.
03/08/2024 - 03/08/2024 Training Medium - Hard Hawkesbury River SRT practise, focussing on optimising your SRT gear (by now those who have been practising SRT should have purchased their own gear); rigging practise; crossing rebelays and diversions and a team rescue exercise (assisted prussic to extract a fatigued team member).
04/08/2024 - 04/08/2024 Canyoning Medium Blue Mountains Boar's Head - numbers limited. 5 Abseils, up to 45m (and some with exposure) with a stunning traverse, exiting up the Devil's Hole.
07/08/2024 - 07/08/2024 Bushwalking Medium - Hard Blue Mountains A beautiful off track walk down Mill Creek under rainforest canopy, then a climb up onto the ridge for lunch and views. Scrambling, exposure & wet feet in places. Experienced walkers only, with a rock climbing/mountaineering helmet and grippy protective footwear. This is a joint MSS/UBMBC trip. Limited to 6.
08/08/2024 - 08/08/2024 Social Social Zoom Our quarterly meeting held via Zoom. Everyone welcome, send your suggestions for trips to be put on the calendar to Agenda and Zoom link will be sent out in the week prior to the meeting.
17/08/2024 - 18/08/2024 Bushwalking Medium - Hard Blue Mountains Off track day walks around the Mt Tomah area & car camping at Mt Wilson. Saturday: Gaping Gill & Station Rock. Sunday: Mill Creek & ridge. Scrambling & exposure. Experienced walkers only. Limited to 8.
24/08/2024 - 26/08/2024 Bushwalking Medium Dharug NP Overnight walk along Eastern commission trail from Oyster Shell road. (Gunderman map) We'll walk about 6 to 8 k on track to a known camp spot, there's a steep uphill start but it improves after that. There are Aboriginal art sites along the way. From our camp spot we can access further art sites, along old trails and ridge lines. We may need to do some "gardening" to remove layers of dirt to find the engravings. This is suitable for beginners, or those returning to overnighting after injury (like me). There should be water in creeks but bring filtering equipment. This is a joint MSS/BWOC trip. Limited to 8. Can be two or three days depending on interest with option to walk out on 2nd day.
25/08/2024 - 31/08/2024 Caving Medium Mt Etna, Qld Accommodation at Yeppoon (approx $200pp for the week). At Mt Etna, we will be abseiling into the iconic Bat Cleft cave near the top of Mt Etna to remove the remains of a screen and floating platform that were thrown into the cave during the late 1980s. We will also visit another cave near the top of Mt Etna - Helm's Deep (at least 1 pitch of 30m) - to check on reports of fossil deposits in the lower levels. Other caves on Mt Etna and Limestone Ridge will also be explored.
25/08/2024 - 25/08/2024 Training Medium Thornleigh Abseil Practice focussing on beginners, double and single rope abseiling locking off. Booking is essential, equipment available for abseil practise for those who don't have any (limited to 4 beginners without gear). People who wish to practice rebelays and redirects welcome to practice but the day will focus on beginners.
31/08/2024 - 01/09/2024 Caving Medium - Hard Wombeyan Leaders familiarisation trip. We're sourcing a leader from another club to familiarise our leaders as it's been 8 years since we've had a trip to Wombeyan. Once our leaders are familiar with the caves then a recreational trip will be considered. Limited to 8 (including oursourced leader)
31/08/2024 - 02/09/2024 Caving Easy Undara After leaving Yeppoon early on Saturday 31st August, we will head north to Chillagoe via Undara. These spectacular lava tubes (they're a decent size) are well worth seeing and you need to be part of a tour as they are privately owned. It is a full 12 hour drive from Rockhampton to Undara, so we'll probably camp on the side of the road somewhere Saturday night and aim to be doing a tour on Sunday 1st. Rod and I have booked a "Wind tunnel tour" at 10.30am Sunday morning, a "Sunset tour" at approx 4.50pm that afternoon, and an unpowered campsite at Undara for that night, Sunday 1st. We will head into Chillagoe on Monday morning (about a 3hr drive). It would be great if you could join us!
02/09/2024 - 08/09/2024 Caving Medium Chillagoe Easy to hard (depending on which bits you would like to do) Details: Staying at the wonderful Chillagoe Caving Club caver's retreat in Chillagoe, courtesy of CCC - our primary mission is to investigate a newly-discovered sump, which Rod will be diving. So there might be some hauling of dive gear involved, but that won't be all we will be doing. Chillagoe has two pubs, two small general stores, and a resident guinea fowl flock for daily entertainment.
06/09/2024 - 06/09/2024 Bushwalking Medium - Hard Blue Mountains Fitness walk, Perry's Lookdown to Blue Gum Forest & return. Approximately 650m down hill short break and then 650m uphill, no world speed records will be attempted, easy pace and plenty of stops. Followed by 30 minutes of stretching and coffee and cake to reward ourselves. Walk should take around 4 hours.
07/09/2024 - 08/09/2024 Bushwalking Medium Blue Mountains The 200 m long by 60 m wide and 60-80 m high promontory at the junction of Wentworth Creek and Flat Top Brook demands to be climbed - there is a cairn on the top! This is what this overnight walk is about! Exploratory for the leader.
13/09/2024 - 13/09/2024 Bushwalking Medium - Hard Blue Mountains Fitness walk, Perry's Lookdown to Blue Gum Forest & return. Approximately 650m down hill short break and then 650m uphill, no world speed records will be attempted, easy pace and plenty of stops. Followed by 30 minutes of stretching and coffee and cake to reward ourselves. Walk should take around 4 hours.
14/09/2024 - 14/09/2024 Caving Medium Abercrombie Speleologists to support scientific research projects that are part of the “Vulnerability of Australian bats to white-nose syndrome” project. Limited to experienced cavers who have been involved in trips of a similar nature. TRIP FULL
20/09/2024 - 06/10/2024 Caving Medium Malaysia International Show Caves Conference, Mulu, Malaysia. A "tag along" trip, that is, I forward to you the itinerary, you organise your flights to and from Malaysia and those within Malaysia, hotel accommodation, Conference registration and pre/post conference caving itinerary. You determine what parts of the trip you wish to do. Departing Sydney on 20 September and arriving Kota Kinabalu 21 September. Travel to Mt Kinabalu and summit Mt Kinabalu with commercial operator. Return to Kota Kinabalu on 24 September, transfer to Miri and then Niah Park to explore 3 caves that used to supply swallow nests for making "birds nest soup". Return to Miri and then flight to Mulu to attend the International Show Caves Conference - there are numerous options to visit both wild caves and show caves, we will be visiting at least 9 caves during and after the conference. Returning to Sydney on October 6.
28/09/2024 - 29/09/2024 Caving Medium - Hard Bungonia Actual caves to be explored yet to be determined but possibly B31 Argyle Hole (vertical with up to 6 pitches) & B22 Acoustic Pot (mostly vertical with one pitch and some down-climbs). Note, Bungonia caves known for high C02 levels so changes to the caves attempted will depend on C02 levels. Camping at Bungonia NP, you will need to make a booking with National Parks, notification of what area the group will be camping to be sent out prior to trip.
05/10/2024 - 13/10/2024 Caving Hard Ida Bay, Tasmania Mostly vertical caving for experienced SRT practitioners only. Trip limited to 6 people and preference will be given to members who are participating in the NZ caving trip in February, 2025. Proposed caves include: Midnight Hole/Mystery Creek, Rocket Rods, Revelation Cave, Wolf Hole, Hobbit Hole, Exit Cave. Shared accommodation in Dover and share car hire from Hobart.
26/10/2024 - 27/10/2024 Caving Medium - Hard Jaunter Continuing the surveying of the caves at Jaunter. Not necessary to do surveying, but surveyors will be given precedence (no survey experience necessary). Small caves, but quite a few options. Some caves are vertical.
01/11/2024 - 04/11/2024 Caving Medium - Hard Bungonia A Joint trip with RMIT Outdoors Club (ROC - based in Victoria) and MSS/Future Leaders. Caving from Friday to Monday, the focus of this trip is to familiarise emerging leaders with what Bungonia has to offer with the main focus being vertical caves. All participants will need to be SRT competent.
01/11/2024 - 04/11/2024 Caving Medium - Hard Bungonia A Joint trip with RMIT Outdoors Club (ROC - based in Victoria) and MSS/Future Leaders - note these will be "recreational caving" trips, the intention is for the leaders to share their knowledge with emerging leaders, and group numbers will be limited to 6. 1-2 November - Caving from Friday to Saturday, the focus of this trip is to familiarise emerging leaders with what Bungonia has to offer with the main focus being vertical caves. All participants will need to be SRT competent. On Saturday night the group will relocate to Wee Jasper (unfortunately Bungonia will be closed due to feral animal removal). 3-4 November - Caving from Sunday to Monday, familiarisation trips through some of the Wee Jasper caves. Participants should register for specific trips (eg, one or both trips and if only one day, nominate which caves). It is essential to RSVP ASAP for this trip as leaders (sourced from other ASF Clubs) will need to be secured to ensure that everyone can participate.
20/01/2025 - 27/01/2025 Medium - Hard Mt Buffalo Register your interest NOW! Canyoning, Abseiling, Caving, Bushwalking and climbing if a climbing leader chooses to attend. This is an amazing area with so much to do, apart from the usual climbing, canyoning, bushwalking, kayaking, and cycling there are wineries, and nearby museums … so much to do, a week will not be enough. Campsite bookings fill up quickly, so express your interest and a group booking for campsites will be made. The dates are aligned to the ASF Conference in Buchan (and these dates may change slightly depending on pre and post caving trips, but we will advise any changes once those interested have registered).


Dave in Grand Canyon
Dave S in Grand Canyon
Guide to trip gradings:
Grade Required May involve
  • average fitness
  • sense of humour
  • steep walking
  • easy scrambling
  • short swims
  • instructional trips
  • day trips
  • car camping
  • above average fitness
  • sense of humour
  • easy climbing
  • rope work
  • lengthy swims
  • full immersion
  • long days
  • overnight trips
  • strength and endurance
  • cool disposition
  • sense of ridiculous
  • strenuous activity
  • challenging environments
  • prior experience
  • equipment knowledge
  • intimidating exposure
  • remote areas